60th annual type directors club call for entries

All designers and typographers are influenced by their time and place.
Every year since 1946, we at the Type Directors Club have celebrated
those designers who, inspired by the world around them,
generate beautiful typography. To be among this year's honorees,
enter our 60th Annual Communication Design Competition
and 17th Annual Typeface Design Competition.

As you consider what to submit, we hope this site will inspire you.
Called the "TDC Generator," this tool lets you create typographic
expressions influenced by your time and place.

Simply define four parameters: text, style, fill, and opacity.
And let your world define the rest:

  • Your local time determines the typeface colors.
  • Your city's traffic congestion determines the background color.
  • Your city's diversity of Twitter hashtags determines the diversity
    of particle sizes or line weights.
  • Your local population density determines the quantity of
    particles or lines.
  • Your local windspeed determines the scattering strength of
    your mouse pointer.

We hope this inspires you to enter our 60th Communication Design
Competition and 17th Typeface Design Competition.


Credits: Collins, Hugo & Marie, Mr. Henry